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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Judge Simon Cowell Becoming Mr. Nice Guy?

According to a Yahoo News source, 33.4 million viewers were watching last Tuesday's American Idol Season 7 debut. Nielsen Media Research reports that this is down from the 37.4 million viewers who watched the first show. Regardless, Idol still has phenomenal viewer numbers!
I've recently read several articles about how Idol was criticized for being too harsh with the auditioning contestants. While I don't disagree with this, I'm wondering, if it's true. . . how will it affect the British judge that America loves to hate, Simon Cowell? Isn't it his edgy candor that makes him so talked about? While I don't think Idol should exploit contestants personal lives, the reality is that those contestants want to be there, they want to be on TV and get their 10 seconds of fame. If you choose to audition for American Idol, you shouldn't expect Simon to be nice.

This season, I think he is being much more polite, considerate, and kind. While these are admirable qualities to have, I think Simon's appeal lies in his brash comments and funny facial expressions (see above). Although it is nice to see him smiling a bit (remember Renaldo Lapuz's serenade to Simon and vow to brotherhood?) people enjoy watching Simon give contestants a good reality check. Besides having a great ear (and eye) for talent, people like Simon because he's honest. I agree that he oftentimes could have a softer touch in his approach. But, if Simon starts being Mr. Nice Guy what will happen to the hilarious banter and conflict amongst the judges and contestants?