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Saturday, February 2, 2008

American Idol. . . Missed!

Wednesday night I had the kids tucked in bed and was all set to watch the night's episode. I always DVR Idol so I can watch when I have time and rewatch my favorite episodes with the family. Anyway, when I found American Idol on my list of recorded programs, imagine my horror when I saw a big fat zero next to it! I was shocked and dismayed! My favorite show in the entire world, I've been waiting months for it to start. . . you get the picture. In an attempt to get to the bottom of this seemingly cataclysmic event I was determined to find the outlaw who cancelled my DVR-ed Idol. Within seconds the criminal was exposed. . . not to mention any names, but my husband David was the perpetrater. He sat there in his Lazy Boy recliner trying to look so sweet and innocent. . . but I knew the truth!

Then it hit me. . . in the grand scheme of things was this really soooo important? I thought back to a book my sweet mom gave me entitled Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family and Chapter 5's " Become Less Easily Bothered." As big of an Idol fan as I am, I had to admit that there are a lot more important things to make an issue of than this. So, even though I admit to a momentary lapse in judgement, I took the highroad and forgave my dear hubby for making such a monumental mistake. . just kiddin.

The preliminary auditions are winding up and soon we'll see the REAL talent. Can't wait!

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