Your source for the latest scoop on American Idol contestants including videos, auditions, performances, judge's comments, concert dates, record releases, and more.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
American Idols Live
We were able to attend the American Idols Live concert in St Louis last week. It was such a blast and our seats this year were so much better than last year. All of the Idols had a more improved sound and many were pretty amazing (i.e. David Cook, Micheal Johns, and Carly Smithson)
I'm already looking forward to next year!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
David Cook Wins American Idol!
The top 2 Davids, Archuleta and Cook respectively, gave a stand-out duet performance of Hero. I was a little surprised by how great they sounded together, but they are both excellent musicians so I guess I shouldn't be to amazed.
My husband (David also) and I talked about how it would have been good to see Archuleta perform songs like this before. I think it would have shown people more of an edgy side.
After viewing the 2-hour show last night the suspense had built and when Ryan Seacrest announced that David Cook had won we all yelled out, "YES" in unison and started clapping and cheering for our Missouri boy. I'm not sure that he was expecting to win, but he definitely deserved it!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
David Cook Singing "The World I Know"-American Idol Finale
Even though I would have liked to hear David Cook sing a song that rocks a little bit more, it was refreshing to hear the tender side of his voice through this ballad.
More importantly, even if not everyone agreed with his song choice here, DC definitely sang this from his heart and was moved to tears at the end. It was beautiful.
I've heard some criticizing him for his response to Simon's criticism. When DC said that he wanted to sing a song that he hadn't sang before on the show, that each week had been a progression, I don't think he was taking a mean-spirited slam at David Archuleta (because Archuleta repeated Imagine). He was just being honest and chose to take more of a risk by doing something different.
David Archuleta Performing the Beetles Imagine-American Idol Finale
Although this was such a beautiful performance, I would have liked to have seen David A. choose a song that he hadn't performed before. Either way, it was nearly flawless.
David Archuleta Singing "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me"-American Idol Finale
David A. really brought an impressive performance to the finale with this one. It's interesting how he seems so in his element while singing, but then when he is receiving the judge's feedback he looks like he's extremely nervous (not that I wouldn't be in front of 7,000 people) and almost ready to pass out. DA seems like such a nice kid and is such a talented singer. His vocals are pretty hard to beat. Even though American Idol is a "singing competition" (as Simon keeps reiterating) I think it's a little more than that in the end.
For example, when Taylor Hicks won a couple of seasons ago, he obviously had a lot of fan support, but I've never heard one of his songs played on the radio. Elliot Yamin, who finished 3rd that season has had some pretty identifiable songs though, and is arguably a bigger star than Hicks.
David Cook Singing "Dream Big"-Top 2 American Idol Finale
I loved this performance and totally disagreed with Simon. . . I also thought the song was great. I liked Randy's comment about how he was "singing his face off."
Monday, May 19, 2008
American Idol Finals Tuesday Night 7/8c-American Idol Mania
It's hard to believe how quickly this season has flown by! It all comes down to the 2 Davids, Archuleta and Cook. Although I admit that early in the season I was rooting for David A., I'm now cheering for David C. In addition to being a fellow Missourian, David Cook has impressed with his originality and vocal maturity. It's hard to compared the 2 because their styles are so different. Judging from the screaming preteen fans Archuleta has, I predict that maybe he will win. I think it will be close and I don't believe it will matter much if David Cook comes in second. His talent and ability to rock the house are going to take him far. In fact, I think he might even give Chris Daughtry (one of my favorite Idol contestants) a run for his money. Only time will tell, but I'm looking forward to Tuesday night's performances.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
David Archuleta's Top 5 Performances of 2 Neil Diamond Hits
David Archuleta is consistently good each week (in my opinion). I found his performance of "Sweet Caroline" to be refreshing. I would still like to see David sing something a bit edgier, but he may be smart sticking with what he does best.
America was a smart choice as well.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
David Cook Performing Neil Diamond-American Idol Mania Top 5
The first one here was pretty good, but the second, "All I Really Need Is You" was pretty awesome! I loved hearing DC do a ballad. We know that he can rock, but it was nice to hear something a little more tender. As my 11-year-old would say. . "Swwwwweeeeet!"
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown Performing No Air-American Idol Mania Top 7
Jordin Sparks back on the American Idol stage to perform her hit duet No Air.
Brooke White Singing Mariah Carey's Hero American Idol Mania-Top 7
Although I think that playing the piano could have added a lot of authenticity to her performance, unfortunately this was pretty rough for Brooke. I feel for her and I'm a little bit nervous about her lasting more than couple of more weeks. She seems like such a sweet girl; I hope she can hang on a bit longer.
Syesha Mercado's Top 7 Performance of Vanishing
Syesha did a nice job with this one overall. . . definitely not an easy song to sing!
Top 7 Elimination-Kristy Lee Cook Goes Home
Poor little David A. was put on the spot, but handled it well.
After many weeks in the bottom 3, and despite a couple of stronger performances s of late, Kristy Lee is finally sent home. Brooke seems pretty broken up about it.
David Archuleta's Top 7 Performance of When You Believe
Once again, David A. accentuates his strengths. . . nice falsetto too! Technically speaking, David is pretty close to perfect. I will never tire of his smooth vocals (or sweet face).
David Cook's Unique Rockin' Version of Always Be My Baby-American Idol Mania Top 7
D.C. was the bomb this week with his super rockin take on Always Be My Baby. Loved it. . . especially the ending!!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
American Idol Mania's Favorite Top 9 Performance-Jason Castro
Although Jason may not have the strongest vocals he still has a great voice, very soothing to the ear. I've really enjoyed some of his performances this season, especially his version of Hallelujah, but think this is my new favorite for him. He's so unique in many ways, some might say quirky, but I really think he possess a relaxed, yet compelling style and stage presence. That, in combination with his humble, sometimes goofy personality makes him quite likable.
I loved this performance. In fact it's one of my faves from this season. Also, the ukulele provided an additional unique element to Castro's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
Michael Johns Performing Dream On-American Idol Mania
It's hard to believe that THIS was the performance that led to Johns elimination this week.
Michael Johns Shocking Elimination-American Idol Mania
I didn't expect Johns to be sent home tonight. . . at all! I figured that he would be here at least a couple more weeks.
Idol Gives Back Performing Shout to the Lord
I love this song and was pretty surprised (and happy) to see it sung on national tv. Very cool! Don't miss David Cook toward the end of the song. . . pretty incredible (as usual)!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
David Archuleta Singing Smoky Mountain Memories-American Idol Mania Top 9
Dolly loved David (along with all the screaming fans). It's pretty cute how he still gets embarrassed from all the teenage girl attention. David is just so likeable and humble and I loved this performance! It was a great song choice for him. His voice is just so smooth and pleasant to the ear.
Brooke White Singing Jolene-American Idol Mania Top 9
Although I don't think this was her best performance, I think that Jolene fits Brooke's voice well. Simon was pretty rude with his comment about the instrumental group looking odd. Not too unexpected coming froming the Simonmeister though, I suppose.
I'd like to hear Brooke do a little Colby Caillat in the coming weeks. I think it might suit her.
David Cook Singing Dolly Parton's Little Sparrow
David Cook, 25 of Blue Springs, MO brought this original performance of Dolly's Little Sparrow. Loved the falseto! Nice ending as well. David Cook rocks. . . what else can I say?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
ARRGGG! Missing the Top 9 Dolly Parton Episode. . .Thanks to My DVR!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Tonight's Top 9-Dolly Parton Week on American Idol Mania
Don't miss the Top 9:
David Aruchuleta, Brooke White, Carly Smithson, Jason Castro, David Cook, Kristy Lee Cook, Michael Johns, Ramiele Malubay, and Syesha Mercado.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Chikezie Sent Home Tonight on American Idol
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Michael Johns Singing We Are the Champions-American Idol Mania Top 10
Okay. . . more cute kid footage. Moving on to the performance, Michael Johns really did a nice job with this one. The judges and the crowd definitely responded to it positively. It was nice to see him just go all out and I think he's fans will be proud.
If I sound a bit blase' about Johns I think it's just that at the beginning of AI I thought he was really going to go far in the competition. But it seems like his performances as of late have really lacked star quality. I truly hope that Michael can continue on inspiring the crowd next week like he did this.
Carly Smithson Singing Total Eclipse of the Heart-American Idol Mania Top 10
Okay, you could say I've never seen an ugly baby. Hopefully you're not tiring of my commenting about all the cute baby pics last night. That said, Carly was so cute with her big curly hair. What I want to know is, where did the curls go? Her hair is so straight and shiny now. She almost didn't look like the same girl, simply because of the hair.
I thought Carly rocked Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart last night and I disagree with Randy. I think she has a great rock voice if that's the direction she wants to take. Either way, this girl can sing and I hope that, even though it wasn't maybe her best performance last night. . . she deserves to be around for a good long while on Idol. We wish her the best tonight during the Idol elimination. I really felt for her last week when she was in the bottom 3.
TMI about her trip to the bathroom. Sort of reminiscent of Ryan's (unappreciated) comments that totally embarrassed David Archuleta about his earlier trip to the restroom. That's getting a little too personal for my taste. Hopefully Ryan learned from it. (SMILE)
Was it me, or was Randy Jackson on a bit of a rant last night? He just seemed impossible to please. Oh well, maybe he was having a bad day.
Here's . . . Carly
David Arculeta Singing You're The Voice On American Idol Mania Top 10
I loved the video of David and his little sister dancing when they were little. I'm not sure who the girl was sitting by his father last night in the audience, but it doesn't sound like (judging by the shrieks from the young girls in the crowd) he'll have any trouble getting a date for prom, if he even gets to go. Hopefully he'll still be on Idol at that point.
Even though this wasn't my favorite performance for David A., I think a lot of it had to do with his song choice. Although he sounded pretty good vocally I would like to hear him sounding more current.
I'm not worried about his security at all though. When Paula said, "You could sing the phone book and we'd still love you" I think she was right on the money. Looking forward to a great show next week David A!
Jason Castro Singing Fragile On American Idol Mania Top 10
I loved all the baby footage last night, but especially enjoyed seeing the photos of Jason Castro as a little boy with his little brother and their guitars. Even though he still doesn't seem perfectly comfortable talking on the show, I think it's becoming easier for him to do so. His performance last night was a little lifeless for me, but I like Jason and know he has it in him to come back stronger next week. Do you remember his earlier performance of Hallelujah? I'm going to post it next, just in case you missed it. It's definitely worth watching.
I think what Simon said last night was a little accurate. Even though I think much of Jason's appeal lies in his relaxed, natural personality, he might want to step it up a bit next week.
Jason Castro singing Hallelujah a couple of weeks back. I loved this performance!
Chikezie Performing If Only For One Night-American Idol Mania Top 10
I loved watching Chikezie's baby year's footage. His mom's comments about him singing as a little guy really cracked me up. His parents seem like very nice people and it's evident that they're so proud of him.
I thought he did a really nice job vocal-wise, although I have to admit I really enjoy when he sings more uptempo, bluesy songs like he did a couple of weeks ago. His confidence seemed to be down this week. I thought Randy was too hard on him. I think Chikezie will be around for another week or 2 (at least), but we will see tonight.
Ramiele Malubay Singing Alone-Top 10 American Idol Mania
First, let me say that Ramiele was an adorable baby! If you missed Idol last night, watch the following video to see her as a cute baby with wild hair. I don't think her performance was horrible like some are saying. She has a sweet disposition, I just don't think the maturity level and It Factor are there. Hopefully Ramiele can hold on for another week. The judges commented on her being very sick, so hopefully she'll get better and have another chance next week to prove herself to America.
David Cook Rocked American Idol Mania Last Night Singing Michael Jackson's Billie Jean!
David Cook rocked American Idol's world last night with his unique rocker version of Michael Jackson's hit Billie Jean! He's been consistently amazing week after week presenting America with incredible entertainment, originality, great vocals, and amazing stage presence.
Although I'm still a huge David Archuleta fan, I'm going to change my original vote for this year's Idol winner to David Cook. But, even if he doesn't win, I don't think it will hurt his future success, as past contestants have proven. Take for example Chris Daughtry. Although he finished season 5 behind winner Taylor Hicks and runner up Katharine McPhee, he had the highest record sales in 2007 of ANYONE! In fact, I think his NOT winning Idol allowed Daughtry more freedom in producing his first record than he might have had if he had won and been tied to the Idol contract.
Anyway. . . please check out this video of David Cook's performance last night.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
American Idol Season 7 Ford Music Video 3-19-08
David Cook is pretty funny in this video! Check it out:
American Idol's Top 10 Will Perform Tuesday at 8/7c
Brooke White, 24, Mesa, AZ.
Carly Smithson, 24, San Diego, CA.
Chikeze, 22, Inglewood, CA.
David Archuleta, 17, Murray, UT.
David Cook, 25, Blue Springs, MO.
Jason Castro, 20, Rockwall, TX.
Kristy Lee Cook, 24, Selma, OR.
Michael Johns, 29, Buckhead, GA.
Ramiele Malubay, 20, Miramar, FL.
Syesha Mercado, 21, Sarasota, FL.
My take on the top 10 is this: I think, so far at least, David Archuleta and David Cook deserve to be in the finals. Cook has been consistently solid and his sound is well-defined. He's been very successful at infusing his style into a song.
David Archuleta simply has a fantastic vocal instrument. With the exception of 1 tough week when he forgot the lyrics to a Beetle's tune, his performances have been "right on". Some are saying that he is getting boring, but I disagree. He is so charming and especially talented at connecting with the audience, particularly when he sings ballads. I think he knows this and, while at some point I think he's going to need to prove that he can sing an uptempo song, I believe he's doing the right thing sticking with what he does best. . . for now, at least.
Unfortunately, I don't see Kristy Lee Cook or Ramiele Malubay sticking around much longer. And, although she is a vocal powerhouse, because of her position in the bottom 3 last week, I'm a little nervous about what might happen with Carly Smithson. If she can manage to stick it out until the end, I think she's capable of giving the 2 Davids a run for their money. Song choice is going to be especially important for her at this stage in the game.
I'm also interested to see what Brooke White and Jason Castro's performances will hold in the coming weeks. I don't see any danger of them leaving this week and have seen glimmers of great potential in both of them. Although her vocal range is more limited than Carly's, she has proven with her piano-playing performance of that she's got what it takes. Jason, I think, is more of an acquired taste. He is pretty quirky and has some mannerisms that are entertaining to watch, but I've been very impressed with a couple of his earlier performances when he played his guitar. He seemed so comfortable and just like he was really enjoying himself.
Be sure and check back daily for updates and please share your opinions.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Chris Daughtry's American Idol Audition Where It All Began
Chris Daughtry has rocketed to the top of the music industry. Check out this clip of his Idol Audition. I thought Daughtry should have won season 5, but it obviously didn't hurt his success in the music business. I can't believe that Simon told gave him a "no." I'm glad Randy and Paula saw his talent and potential and they gave this North Carolina boy a chance.
Kellie Pickler Performed At Idol Top 11 Results Show
Former Idol contestant Kellie Pickler performing her hit single, "Red High Heels."
Thursday, March 20, 2008
American Idol Elimination Of Amanda Overmeyer
In case you missed the elimination episode last night here it is:
American Idol Mania Speaks Out About Last Night's Elimination Episode And Idol Gives Back
Last night's episode had several surprises for me, the biggest of which was seeing Carly Smithson in the bottom 3. Talent-wise I believe she should be able to make it at least to the top 5. I'm not sure what happened there. Did people just not vote for her because they think she's a shoe-in or is she just not as popular with Americans as the other contestants.
Amanda Overmyer Voted Off American Idol Last Night
To me, from the start Amanda Overmeyer seemed like an old soul. Even her favorite quote supports this: "I was born a long way from home. I have spent my whole life just trying to get back." - Janis Joplin
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Idol Top 11 Carly Smithson Singing Blackbird Last Night
After Simon Cowell compared Carly to Kelly Clarkson last week I was anxious to see her performance this week. Overall I thought it was pretty amazing, even though I'm not sure it was the best song choice. She just has such an incredible voice and I enjoyed hearing her sing her first ballad on Idol.
Brooke White's Top 11 Performance Of Here Comes The Sun
Topping last week's performance might have been nearly impossible for Brooke, and although her quirky version of Here Comes The Sun was not the judge's favorite I agree with Paula that she is a "lovable girl." Her awkward dancing was even sort of endearing. I think many people will like Brooke because she seems like such a real girl. I also appreciate her relaxed and sometimes funny banter with the judges, even though it was maybe a little too much last night. I don't think her performance last night will hurt her with the fans, but we'll just have to wait until tonight to find out.
"Another Solid Look For David Cook", Day Tripper, Top 11 Performance
Check out our MO homeboy's Whitesnake-influenced performance of Day Tripper. I totally disagreed with Simon. I thought it was awesome! I would love to see David Cook and David Archuleta in the top 2. Tell me what you think.
David Archuleta's Near Perfect Top 11 Performace Of The Long And Winding Road
I've recently heard some criticism of David Archuleta's love for the ballad. I think it takes a great singer/performer to capture the audience the way he does when he sings a slow song. Listening to him sing is NEVER boring to me and I'm sure that thousands of others would agree! According to Simon his performance "was a master class." I couldn't agree more!
Monday, March 17, 2008
American Idol Mania Talks Dancing With The Stars
The Dancing With The Stars Live 2-Night Event starts tonight, Monday March 17. The stars of this season are: Comedien and radio host Adam Carolla dancing with Julianne Hough; International film star Christian de la Fuente dancing with Cheryl Burke; film and TV star Shannon Elizabeth dancing with Julianne's little brother, Derek Hough; movie star Steve Guttenberg dancing with Anna Trebunskaya; R&B star Mario dancing with Karina Smirnoff; Acadamy Award winning actress Marlee Matlin dancing with Fabian Sanchez; magician Penn Jillette dancing with Kym Johnson; actress, producer and entrepreneur Priscilla Presley dancing with Louis van Amstel; Grand Slam tennis champion Monica Seles dancing with Jonathan Roberts; NFL Man of the Year Jason Roberts dancing with Edyta Sliwinska; Tony Award winning Broadway star Marissa Jaret Winokur dancing with Tony Dovolani; and Olympic champion figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi dancing with Mark Ballas.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
This Week's American Idol
We've been in Ft Lauderdale this week, so I'm a little behind on my posts. I'm planning on watching all of this week's episodes in the next couple of days (thanks to my DVR) and posting comments and videos ASAP. Please excuse the delay and bear with me as I play catch-up this week.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Former Aussie Michael Johns Singing Light My Fire-Top 12 Boys
Watch Michael Johns great performance of Light My Fire.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Girl's Song Choices for 80's Night
"I Hate Myself For Loving You" - Joan Jett
Asia'h Epperson
"I Wanna Dance With Somebody" - Whitney Houston
Brooke White
"Love Is A Battlefield" - Pat Benatar
Carly Smithson
"I Drove All Night" - Cyndi Lauper
Kady Malloy
"Who Wants To Live Forever" - Queen
Kristy Lee Cook
"Faithfully" - Journey
Ramiele Malubay
"Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" - Phil Collins
Syesha Mercado
"Saving All My Love For You" - Whitney Houston
Four More Idol Hopefuls Are Eliminated
The contestants were cut from the top 16 to the Top 12 last night in an emotional episode. Spunky Asia'h Epperson, fiesty Danny Noriega, Kady Malloy (best known for her spot-on Britney Spears impersonation), and Luke Menard were sent home last night to dramatic farewells.
Blake Lewis Performance of "How Many Words" From Last Night's Idol
After an energy-filled performance (would we expect any less from B Shorty?) of "How Many Words" by Blake Lewis last night.
Joplin Missouri Small Town Girl Asia'h Epperson Said Goodbye Last Night
Last night was a big night for all of the contestants. Sixteen nervously waited to find out if they were going to fill one of the Top 12 seats. Unfortunately, Joplin, MO native and self-proclaimed "small town girl" Asia'h Epperson was one of the four who had to say goodbye. Everytime I watch her audition video, I'm brought to tears. Not only can that girl sing, she showed tremendous strength and grace in the face of the adversity of losing her father in a car accident shortly before her amazing, yet heartwrenching audition. We wish you the best and are so sad to see you go Asia'h. In case you missed it, grab the Kleenex and click here:
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Guy's Song Choices for 80's Night
Chikezie Eze
"All The Man That I Need" - Sister Sledge/Luther Vandross
Danny Noriega
"Tainted Love" - Soft Cell
David Archuleta
"Another Day In Paradise" - Phil Collins
David Cook (favorite performance of the night)
"Hello" - Lionel Richie
David Hernandez
"It's All Coming Back To Me Now" - Pandora'sBox/Meatloaf
Jason Castro
"Hallelujah" - Leonard Cohen
Luke Menard
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" - Wham!
Michael Johns
"Don't You (Forget About Me)" - Simple Minds
David Cook's Incredible Tuesday Night Performance of Lionel Richie's "Hello"
If you missed this standout performance by Missouri's own David Cook, it's definitely worth watching!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Blake Lewis Returning to Idol 3-6-08
Blake Lewis will make a return to Idol later this week during elimination week. Here's a clip of Blake performing "Break Anotha'" on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno."
Top 8 Guys Wow Judges and Fans Last Night!
The girls really have their work cut out for them this year. After watching the top 8 guys perform last night I couldn't believe that so many of them gave incredible performances. Although he didn't wow the judges as much as last week, David Archuleta continues consistently crankin' out show-stopping performances. He sang Phil Collin's "Another Day in Paradise." Last night his vocals were great (as usual) and he definitely infused the song with his own unique style. I enjoyed his piano playing too, brief as it was. As Randy Jackson would say, he "made it his own."
David Cook gave THE performance of the night (in my opinion). In case you missed it, he sang Lionel Richie's "Hello." I will work on getting a video on here ASAP. Other standouts of the night included Jason Castro's smooth performance of "Hallelujah." Leaving his guitar behind, I think he really proved that he can sing and he always seems to enjoy what he's doing! Simon was even impressed calling it "absolutely brilliant."
Finally, despite unflattering recent reports that could have potentially eliminated him from the show David Hernandez gave a strong performance of Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me Now."
Monday, March 3, 2008
David Archuleta Amazes With Imagine
Here it is...the incredible performance that confirmed David A. as the performer to beat.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Heartbreaking Night For Four As They Say Goodbye
Last night proved to be another nail biting elimination night on American Idol. America said goodbye to Jason Yeager, Alaina Whitaker, Alexandrea Lushington, and Robbie Carrico.
I was especially disappointed to see Alaina Whitaker (the Carrie Underwood look-alike) go, only 16-years-old from Tulsa, OK. Her elimination was pretty surprising to me. Although Simon criticized her fashion sense this week, he also mentioned that he thought she was a "dark horse" in the competition and I've always liked her voice. I was really hoping to see her make it to the top 12. She was visibly shaken by last night and didn't think she could sing, but the other girls stepped up to provide support and she was able to get through Spiral Staircase's "More Today Than Yesterday."
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Brooke White Was "Happy Together" Wednesday Night
David Hernandez Shows His Talent With "In The Midnight Hour"
David Cook American Idol Rocker and MO Native
Although I agree with Simon that David Archuleta is the one to beat this season, there were several other performances worth noting Tuesday night when the boys took the stage. David Cook, a fellow MO native and self-proclaimed "word nerd" (love that!) revealed that he loves doing crossword puzzles. His performance of The Turtle's "Happy Together" was pretty awesome.
Recap Of Tuesday Night's Idol-David Archuleta Was the Star. . .Again!
Tuesday night's episode of American Idol was really good. Some of the boys gave an okay performance, but several really stepped it up and did a great job. At the end of the night, few could disagree that young David Archuleta gave a truly amazing performance of John Lennon's Imagine (which was my high school class song by the way)! The audience and judges were so moved by the 17-year-old's incredible talent and outstanding vocal skills. He truly made the song his own, and personally I preferred his version to John Lennon's. Did you catch the clip of him singing as an 11-year-old to the American Idol contestants (Kelly Clarkson was front and center) from Season 1? If not, you can check out the clip at the bottom of this page.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Results Of Last Week's American Idol
Last Thursday night 4 of the Idol contestants were sent home. Amy Davis from Lowell, IN and Joanne Borgella from Hoboken, NJ were the unlucky girls that had to say goodbye. On the boy's side it was Colton Berry from Staunton, VA and Garrett Haley of Elida, OH that received the bad news.
These individuals are all clearly talented, but I can't say that I'm too terribly surprised at who America voted to keep. The competition this season is particularly fierce and I've sensed more variety in styles this season.
Although Jason Castro was the only one to take advantage of the new ruling to allow contestants to play instruments, I look forward to seeing more of this. I think it really allows us to get a more accurate view of individual talent.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Simon's Right! David Archuleta Was the Star Last Night!
Please scroll down the page to see David several years ago performing in Star Search. You can read more about his Star Search Junior Singer win by clicking here.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
And the American Idol Season 7 Top 24 Contestants Are. . .
As you probably already know if you caught last Wednesday's episode of Idol, the final contestants took that long ride up the elevator where they met the judges face-to-face and learned whether they would be joining the top 24 or going home. I think the talent this season promises to be phenomenal. Here are the top 24:
Alaina Whitaker, age: 16 from Tulsa, OK.
Alexandrea Lushington, age: 16, Atlanta, GA.
Amanda Overmyer, age: 23, Mulberry, IN.
Amy Davis, age: 25, Cedar Lake, IN.
Asia'h Epperson, age: 19, Joplin, MO.
Brooke White, age: 24, Van Nuys, CA.
Carly Smithson, age: 24, Dublin, Ireland.
Chikeze Eze, age: 22, Inglewood, CA.
Colton Berry, age: 17, Staunton, VA.
Danny Noriega, age: 18, Azusa, CA.
David Archuleta, age: 17, Salt Lake City, UT.
David Cook, age: 25, Tulsa, OK.
David Hernandez, age: 24, Phoenix, AZ.
Garrett Haley, age: 17, Elida, OH.
Jason Castro, age: 20, Rowlett, TX.
Jason Yeager, age: 28, Grand Prarie, TX.
Joann Borgella, age: 25, Hoboken, NJ.
Kady Maloy, age: 18, Houston, TX.
Kristy Lee Cook, age: 24, Selma, OR.
Luke Menard, age: 29, Crawfordsville, IN.
Michael Johns, age: 29, Los Angeles, CA.
Ramiele Malubay, age: 20, Miramar, FL.
Robbie Carrico, age: 26, Melbourne, FL.
Syesha Mercado, age: 21, Miami, FL.
There are 8 contestants still in their teens, 2 Jasons from TX, 3 Davids, 2 from Tulsa, 3 from FL, 4 from CA, and one from Ireland. Please let me know what you think about this season's contestants and any early predications on who will be in the finals?
American Idol Season 7 Favorites

David Archuleta, only 17, from Salt Lake City has also proven he has remarkable star quality and an incredible voice. When he auditioned in San Diego, he seemed truly greatful and humble upon learning he was going to Hollywood. David definitely has charm, charisma, quiet charisma, and is very likeable.
Judging from the auditions, this season is unquestionably chock full of talented performers. We're looking forward to seeing the season unfold and catching some amazing performances in the process!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Wednesday Night Idol Episode Recap
If you missed Wednesday nights episode like some others I know (check out my previous post), then click here for a recap of the night courtesy TV
American Idol. . . Missed!
The preliminary auditions are winding up and soon we'll see the REAL talent. Can't wait!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Is Judge Simon Cowell Becoming Mr. Nice Guy?

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Most Original Version of "Let My People Go!"
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
We can't wait to watch tonight. . . we miss our American Idol! According to Mike Evans, this could very well be the best season yet. I think last season will be hard to top, with all of the talent, but I can't wait to find out.
Season Premier tonight at 8/7 c. Don't miss it and please . . . let me know what you think! Check back daily to read more about this season.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Phil Stacey Releases Debut Single
About Me-Lori Choate Geurin
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03/16 - 03/23
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- Amanda Overmyer Voted Off American Idol Last Night
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- "Another Solid Look For David Cook", Day Tripper, ...
- David Archuleta's Near Perfect Top 11 Performace O...
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- David Hernandez Eliminated From The Top 12-03/12/2008
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03/02 - 03/09
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- Four More Idol Hopefuls Are Eliminated
- Blake Lewis Performance of "How Many Words" From L...
- Joplin Missouri Small Town Girl Asia'h Epperson Sa...
- Guy's Song Choices for 80's Night
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- Blake Lewis Returning to Idol 3-6-08
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- David Archuleta Amazes With Imagine
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- We Can Work It Out (1)
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- without you (1)
- You Can't Do That (1)
- You Give Love a Bad Name (1)
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Our Favorite American Idols
- Blake Lewis
- Carrie Underwood
- Chris Daughtry
- Chris Sligh
- Elliot Yamin
- Gina Glockson
- Kelly Clarkson
- Melinda Doolittle
- Phil Stacey